SyMoCADS Retreat

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For the start of the new Research Training Group 2950 SyMoCADS (Synthetic Molecular Communications Across Different Scales: From Theory to Experiments), a first retreat took place in Waischenfeld on the 15th and 16th of July 2024. During these two days, the participants had the opportunity to get to know the research topics of the various projects in more detail. Multiple activities for teambuilding to promote further networking among the researchers.

The LKT, participated in person of Daniel Fleischhauer and Prof. Drummer, is focussing on the production of physical tumour models utilizing additive manufacturing technologies which can be used for the magnet-field driven deposition of pharmaceutical materials.

After constructive, intensive discussions and numerous new insights, we are looking forward to the collaborative work in the Research Training Group within the next years.

Daniel Fleischhauer, M.Sc.

Scientific Assistant