
For the start of the new Research Training Group 2950 SyMoCADS (Synthetic Molecular Communications Across Different Scales: From Theory to Experiments), a first retreat took place in Waischenfeld on the 15th and 16th of July 2024. During these two days, the participants had the opportunity to get to...

Category: event, Research

LKT took part in the event Girls’Day, hosted at FAU. By attending a talk about the recycling of polymers and two supporting experiments, the pupils gained first-hand insights into the significance of polymers and their applications in daily life.

Category: event, MINT, pupils

We are happy to announce that Anke Kaufmann, scientific assistant at LKT, has received the WAK Brose-Preis 2023, an award from the Scientific Alliance of Polymer Technology, for her interdisciplinary Master’s thesis.

Category: event, news, students

      In the event of a fire, polymers can significantly contribute to heat generation and toxic gas emissions. To mitigate this risk, we have developed a revolutionary approach by modifying polymeric materials with flame retarding substances. These additive...

Category: event, presentations

Organized by the Institute of Polymer Technology (LKT), was a highly anticipated event that provided a platform for researchers, professors, and industry experts to exchange knowledge, ideas, and insights on the latest trends and advancements in the field of polymer technology.

Category: event, seminar/workshop